Thursday, April 23, 2009

6 Months Old

It's hard to believe but Lily Bug is 6 months old today. We took her to the doctor yesterday and she weighed in at 15 pounds 14 ounces. Amazing considering the 4 1/2 pound baby we brought home. She is in the 49% for weight and get this, the 4.9% for height. Uncle Brandon always laughs at how compact she is...poor little girl,mommy knows how she feels.


  1. She is soooo cute! I am so glad that you guys have a blog! I can't believe she is in the 4% for heigth! That is just so cute! I can't wait to see you guys in a couple weeks!

  2. You guys have a blog! That's awesome!

  3. Truth be told, I love it when she sits with me in the morning as I try to eat my cereal. Lily usually alternates between looking at what I'm eating and what the dogs are doing.

  4. Happy 6 month mark Lily bug. Wow, look at those blue eyes! Girl is going to be a knockout.

  5. She is so darling! And don't worry about the short stuff. At least now you know you won't have to worry about her being an 'Amazon woman.'
    miss ya
    love ya

  6. I can't believe how quick those 6 months have flown by, let alone this year! She is such a cute little girl!
