Thursday, April 30, 2009

Neo is hilarious.

Lily thinks Neo is really funny. She smiles and gets really excited every time she sees him. We only wish that he was as excited to see her. We thought that everyone would enjoy this video. She has an infectious little laugh.

What a sweetie!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

6 Months Old

It's hard to believe but Lily Bug is 6 months old today. We took her to the doctor yesterday and she weighed in at 15 pounds 14 ounces. Amazing considering the 4 1/2 pound baby we brought home. She is in the 49% for weight and get this, the 4.9% for height. Uncle Brandon always laughs at how compact she is...poor little girl,mommy knows how she feels.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Grandma's Angels

So my mom is loving the babies. She can't get enough of them. Every time she sees them she says "hello my angels!" My dad gives her a hard time about it. These girls love their grandma.

Lily's new favorite thing is hanging upside down. She loves it! She would hang like that for hours if we would let her.

Here is a super cute picture of Brielle that I took last time she was over. I love that little face.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bunny Fun

It was Lily's first Easter and it was truly uneventful. We went down to my Mom & Dad's on Saturday and had a good time with Brandon, Linzee and Brielle. Of course Grandma and Grandpa spoiled her.

On Easter Sunday we really didn't do anything. We got up and Lily got her Easter basket, we put her dress on her even though we had nowhere to go. She looked super cute. The three of us just hung out at the house and took pictures. We usually spend all day with the family so it felt very uneasterish.


There's a line from Sin City that goes something like: "Have you ever seen anything so beautiful in your whole life?" Of course, that line was during a scene where the guy talking is holding a severed head that was submerged in a tar pit.

But my point is that Lily just oozes cute at every level. Look at that kid over on the left (<--)! Picture her squeal-laughing at the same time because that's what she was doing, I bet.

That absolutely appropriate flower on her head? Care of Kara, Jod's cousin!

Her feet look big in this pic, but we don't think they've grown at all since she was born (and they looked like honkin' fire-stompers back then).

Che Lily

Sometimes Lily gets a little rebellious around the house and stamps her foot down, pulls on mom's hair or dad's goatee or the dog's or really whatever she can get her tiny little hands on!

She's an assertive kid and, completely unlike every other kid out there, does NOT take "No!" (or "Please no?" or even "How about this instead?") lightly.

Lily looks like she's brooding in this photo, but it's just her way of saying, "I need to eat dad's cereal; here, let me hold the bowl while you try not to spoon the rest out onto your lap."

Whatever You Do, Don't Kiss Me!

Poor cute little Lily decided she'd had enough with all the fancy picture-taking, clothes-wearing, and body-positioning for one afternoon. She wasn't about to enjoy having mom & dad start kissing her as well.

She's a temperamental little kid, but then again so is Lily! :D I kid, I kid, but Jod's the trooper especially since Lily has learned the art of the high-pitched squeal which makes us all drop whatever we're doing and come a'running, dogs underfoot and all.